Vote for Dimension and Epic Games in the SXSW PanelPicker

August 7, 2024 • 2 minute read

SXSW’s PanelPicker Community Voting is live. Now through August 18th, you can vote for the panels you want to see in Austin, Texas.

Dimension and Epic Games want to bring next-generation indie filmmaking to SXSW 2025. We need your vote to make it a reality!

Cast your vote for our panel here before August 18th.

“Filmmaking 2.0 – Powering a Future for Indie Films”

In this panel, creatives and filmmakers discuss how indie films foster innovative storytelling, reach more diverse audiences, and create new stars. We’ll explore the latest technologies and financing opportunities helping more indie films get made, as well as new models facilitating independent production and how cinemas are becoming key players in distribution.

The team behind “Those About to Die”, “Time Bandits” and the forthcoming “2040” will share how realtime tools and virtual production are democratising access to indie filmmakers. Learn how these innovations enhance creative possibilities and productive value all while streamlining and cutting costs.

We’re excited to have Dimension executive producer Ben Lumsden on the panel, alongside Miles Perkins, Epic Games, Annalise Davis, Producer of “2040”, and Lesley Manning, Director of “2040”.

We’d love to see you next spring at SXSW and thank you for your vote!